Category Archives: birthdays

Birthday Weekend

So, the last weekend was spent at home.

Home, being Meerut.

G and I drove down Friday night, after work, for Papa’s birthday.

Had a fantastically restful and fun weekend after a long-ish time. Also, managed to go swimming with little brother after years! We used to be like little fish, spending our entire summer in the pool.

A couple of pictures from the birthday party:


Filed under birthdays, family

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Am sitting at home, all packed and ready to leave for home(!!!! 🙂 ) – just waiting for G to get home, pick me up, put the luggage and the cats in the back seat, and drive off – to Meerut.

Papa’s birthday today. Party tomorrow.

More details later.

And, Happy Birthday, Papa! Love you! 🙂

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Filed under birthdays, family

Three years plus

That’s how old this blog is. I never did a first and second blog birthday post, and had vowed that I would this year! And, then I missed it. Again. And that is how you get bad blog karma.

Read MM’s 1000th post and asked myself: Hey, how many have I done?

The answer, my friends, is 186.


In three years!!

And, then I thought: Hey, wasn’t the blog birthday just around the corner sometime back?

Well, yes – it was. The blog’s third birthday was on the 12th of May. I did this post that day, but of course, completely forgot that it had been three years and all that.

Anyway, like they say, late is better than never. So, Happy Birthday dear blog. You’ve given me a lot … a lot of chances to clear my head when nothing makes sense till I blog about it, and then suddenly it does … a lot of friends, absolutely amazing, lovely people who I would’ve never known if it wasn’t for you …

For all this, and more, I love you.


Filed under birthdays

To my baby brother

…who is not a baby any more.

Of course, this is a picture from when we both were.


Please notice the missing teeth – I was losing milk teeth, he was sprouting milk teeth. We were both giggling in bed in our favourite “cloud razaai” after Mom had been telling us to get into our respective beds and go to sleep. 🙂

Today happens to be my baby brother’s 21st birthday. 🙂

Last night, the Brat called me 40 minutes before his birthday started to tell me that in another 40 minutes he’s going to be presenting ‘the cheque‘ in the bank. I said, the rules of this bank say that he can’t present it till the legal age of 25. And then he groaned. 😀

The story goes like this…

When I was 8 years old, and he was 3, we were both given some money – it was probably a festival or something. I quickly spent mine, and was soon eyeing his. And since I was the child prodigy that I was, I quickly tore a few pages out of my notebook, tore the pages into little horizontal rectangles, stapled these from one side, and wrote Cheque Book on the first page. I then tore some more pages into vertical rectangles, stapled them and wrote Pass Book on the first page. I wrote his name on both, and then explained to him the importance of Banking, thus giving this my little brother his first lesson in Economics.

So anyway…

Not only did he understand the concept of banking at that young age (some of his sister’s brilliance would sometimes rub off on him), he was quite impressed with it too. The first drawer of my study table was the Bank, and so into it went his money. A note was made on the Pass Book, and he was given the Cheque Book to keep and use when he needed te money.

Being as excited as he was at the thought of having a bank account he could use, the next time that he wanted to buy a sweet or some such thing, the Brat came up to me, his Banker, and in his grubby hand he held out, very proudly, his first cheque. He wanted 10 rupees. There was also an illegible signature on the cheque.

Of course though, the cheque wasn’t honoured since he wasn’t an adult, and was told by his banker that he obviously couldn’t expect the bank to honour cheques written by a minor. Of course, the day he turned 18, he could withdraw the money if he wanted.

Makes sense. No?

Well, it sort of did to the Brat. (err…not like he had a choice anyway.)

So, he waited – patiently – for another 15 years. On his 18th birthday, he was told that the legal age had been moved up to 21. Well – what could the Banker do – it was government that decided these things…!

Fast forward to another 3 years from then, and you will reach the 7th of March 2008.

He is now worried that he will have to wait another 4 years now.

His Banker is (extremely!) worried at the Interest he will expect to have accumulated in 22 years from when he made the Deposit.

Happy Birthday, Brat!

I love you.

And, err … GOT YOU AGAIN! HA!! 😀

This post here about why I love my baby brother so much. 🙂


Filed under birthdays, family, happiness

Happy Birthday, sweetheart…

I wish for you all the happiness and love in the world this year. And, I’d like to say – Thanks. 🙂

Had written this, and since I wrote it, had wanted to write about you too. Was storing it up. Had thought – either your birthday, or our first anniversary. Couldn’t wait another month. 😀

Sweetheart, I’ve now known you for close to six and a half years – and have loved every moment of it. I don’t remember when it was that I fell in love with you, and I don’t even recollect when it was that I realised that I was in love with you. You just grew from being my best, closest friend to my “boyfriend”, to my husband. Marriage to you was more a natural progression of our friendship, than anything else. Even now, 11 months since we’ve been married – I still haven’t gotten used to having you around all the time. As 11 p.m. approaches, I find often find myself getting impatient of everything else, and wanting to just only spend time with you. 11 p.m. because that’s the time you’d say bye and go back home, before we were married. And then, it suddenly hits me – you ain’t goin’ away now…!! And then I get this nice warm feeling inside. 🙂

Sometimes I feel that I missed that “cathartic” feeling that a lot of people get after getting married – the complete euphoria and “letting go”. But then, I wouldn’t change what we had/have for anything.

The friendship, the craziness, the late night drink on the terrace, the fights, the trying-to-understand-each-other conversations, the love, the togetherness, the feeling of being a “team”, the mad laughter, the cards, the e-mails, the late night phone calls, the serious discussions about books and films, sharing work stories, sharing the most useless information, sharing our lives.

Here’s to all of that, and all that there is to come. 🙂

Happy Birthday.

I love you.


Filed under birthdays, family, happiness, love, marriage

:) Happy Birthday, Naani! :) …wish I could…

🙂 Happy Birthday, Naani! 🙂

…wish I could go to D’dun and surprise her!

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Filed under birthdays, family