Category Archives: Things that make me happy

Yay for the Congress!

So happy that the Congress is leading!
For so many reasons. More in detail later. Too busy watching the news right now.

On an aside, have promised too many drinks to too many people if Congress forms the government at the centre. Any one else who’d like to celebrate is most welcome. 🙂

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Filed under social issues, Things that make me happy

Sunday Mornings

You sleep till late,
while I wake early
and wait
for the slumber leading from
the excesses of
Saturday night
to end.

Or sometimes keep
peeping into our bedroom, while
getting ready, watering the plants,
feeding the cats.

Looking in, at you sleeping,
like you do,
your nose buried in your pillow.

Smelling like you do,
(as I keep telling you)
like a rubber balloon.

Waiting for you to wake
up. So I can see your searching
eyes, looking for me
to kiss your sleep away.

And then you sit
up in bed, wanting
your hot cup of strong
sweet tea, and the news
of the day.

And after that first
kiss of the day,
I go back to getting ready,
watering the plants, feeding
the cats, and waiting
for the next one that comes
when you’re getting out
of our bed, and starting our one day

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Filed under happiness, love, marriage, poetry, Things that make me happy

Things that make me feel happy – 2

Salvador Dali. Vincent Van Gogh. Sunflowers. Starry nights. Sitting somewhere in the hills and silently watching the clear sky with all its stars. Sex. Love. Hugs. Kisses. A whispered goodnight. A goodmorning kiss. A hot shower. Poetry. Good food.

Yay! This is more fun than I thought it would be. 🙂


Filed under Things that make me happy

Things that make me happy

Butterflies. Buttercups. Bright coloured ribbons. Kittens. Puppies. Old Shammi Kapoor movies. Gramophones. Copper pots and pans. Pansies. Dogflowers. Sweetpeas. Old Dev Anand movies. Squirrels. Family. Close friends. Music. Green lawns. Swimming. Drives at night. Thunderstorms. Winter sun. Climbing trees. Boating. Pine trees. Pine cones.

…to be updated every now and then.


Filed under Things that make me happy